Whether as a member, partner, donor, or customer, there are numerous ways to get involved with The Junior League of Greater Springfield. Each one helps the organization get closer to accomplishing its goals by providing volunteer services, key resources, strategic relationships, or funding for critical initiatives.
Junior League of Greater Springfield women make things happen—they form strategic partnerships, create innovative programs and raise funds for important community initiatives. They are able to do this because of the skills and experience they obtain through membership.
The secret to The Junior League of Greater Springfield's record of sustainable social reform is its ability to forge lasting partnerships with the corporations, local officials, and service agencies in the communities where they work.
Donating to The Junior League of Greater Springfield helps prepare us to improve our communities with the gift of lifelong leadership. All donations are tax-deductible.
Purchase prepaid gift cards from hundreds of retailers. You will receive the full market value of that gift card. In return, Great Lakes Scrip Center will give a percentage to Junior League of Greater Springfield.