Fundraising Events
Proceeds from fundraising events benefit JLGS and its community projects. Projects include Kids in the Kitchen, an AJLI initiative that addresses childhood obesity and teaches kids about good nutrition; a new JLGS Scholarship Program to provide a $1,000 college scholarship per year ( up to four years) to an outstanding young volunteer; and various done-in-a-day (DIAD) projects.
Funds raised by JLGS are also used to send our members to volunteer leadership training events sponsored by AJLI, our parent organization and to provide training workshops.
Funds raised by JLGS are also used to send our members to volunteer leadership training events sponsored by AJLI, our parent organization and to provide training workshops.
5th Annual Beer and Wine Tasting
Script Cards/Amazon SmilePurchase prepaid gift cards from hundreds of retailers. You will receive the full market value of that gift card. In return, Great Lakes Scrip Center will give a percentage to Junior League of Greater Springfield.