Fundraising Events
Proceeds from fundraising events benefit JLGS and its community projects. Projects include Kids in the Kitchen, an AJLI initiative that addresses childhood obesity and teaches kids about good nutrition; a new JLGS Scholarship Program to provide a $1,000 college scholarship to an outstanding young volunteer; and various done-in-a-day (DIAD) projects.
Funds raised by JLGS are also used to send our members to volunteer leadership training events sponsored by AJLI, our parent organization and to provide training workshops. JLGS is a non-profit organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism and to improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable. For 90 years, JLGS has contributed more than $1 million dollars and countless volunteer hours to numerous worthwhile service projects in Western Massachusetts, including the founding of the Ronald McDonald House and the Springfield Day Nursery. Many of the projects organized, developed, and implemented by the League have gone on to become essential to the lives of people in our community. |
Community ProjectThis Spring 2014 JLGS has chosen to focus on two major projects:
1. Huggies Every Little Bottom Diaper Drive to collect diapers to benefit Square One. We are currently accepting disposable diapers (new packages, open packages, or single diapers) as well as baby wipes. If you have items you would like to donate, please contact us. 2. Kids in the Kitchen to promote child health and wellness by empowering children and youth to make healthy lifestyle choices, therefore preventing obesity and its associated health risks. |
Done in a Day (DIAD)July:
August: September: October: December: |
New Member Class ProjectThe Fall 2013 JLGS New Member Class class has completed their class project. This year the class chose to work with a graduate of the Springfield YWCA's Supportive Housing Program. On Sunday, January 5th, the New Member Class finished furnishing the apartment. They were able to collect a kitchen table, chairs, a couch and various household goods to help make this family's new home a little more comfortable.